13 <33 University aims to restructure education
by implementing a new system of information exchange
more akin to “peer to peer”.
Accomplished individuals within relevant realms
will divulge fundamental and abstract concepts
to others with similar interests.
By gauging level of experience and exposure of each student,
each interaction is tailored in a much more individual manner
than that of terrestrial education systems.
We are offering several forms of media, discussion,
and interaction in order to spread this information to our collaboraters.
Several formats will explore and build upon a much
more reciprocal form of “teaching each other”
and learning from multiple teachers consecutively.
We’re starting with 5 mechanisms
to teach this information
- Tutorials, Classes, Seminars, Repositories, and Open Forums.
Video and Text tutorials
for using Programs,
Websites, Apps,
and utilities
utilizing voiceovers, VRMs, AI, screen recording, etc.
reoccuring classes
at several times
during the week
that advances
week to week
General intro courses
ongoing 1-2x a week
Events in which we
bring on guest
experts in a
given field
Special events corresponding with a new meta, release, or emergent technology
Access to standing
information in
PDF, Web, Text -
exploring more
ways to store and
access this info
Open Forums
Voice chat spaces,
video streams,
and discord threads discussing very specific topics in order to reach a better understanding or solution
13 <33 already operates as a repository for web2/web3 information as well as a social space for many different crowds to interact in a very positive manner. The energy and style of discussion present dictates the environment all on it’s own and allows for a high level of freedom/expression. We will easily integrate a more formal manner of organization in order to make this a successful financial and artistic endeavor.
This is not a transition in any way, only an integration of formal systems in order to legitimize our time here. At the center of this, is the theme of
“using your time online effectively”
That statement drives the soul and spirit of 13 <33 university. While the knowledge is centered around the net, it has to deal with everything we can imagine - and how to have a better understanding of integration, moderation, and implementation.
Open to the PUBLIC!
First iteration (few weeks) will be reserved for Angels only in order to work out the kinks.
Tuition required for any and all students, with a generous discount for Keyholders, and Angel holders.
Tuition is a small entry fee that will be put directly into the Angel Treasury.
School ID cards
will be released to those
that pay tuition
for a
reoccuring class
Certificates of completion for courses